Купити квартиру Івано-Франківськ


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Чи любите ви пампухи з ружою?
Це що?


Не та мати, що родила, а та, що вигодувала

Відео, яке набрало найбільше переглядів на ю туб: привиди у нашому житті

25 Листопада 2015 p.

5 Very Chilling Videos Of Ghosts Caught On CCTV

Here are 5 of the most shocking surveillance videos that appear to show paranormal activity caught on camera. which one was the creepiest?

Music used - Ross Bugden - Haunted (Copyright and Royalty Free)

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Transcription :

In this video we take a look at 5 of the most chilling cctv videos that show paranormal activity.

Number 1

The Wingate Hotel ghost.

On September 14th 2003 at the wingate hotel in Illinois, there were numerous reports of loud noises coming from room 209 which is located on the 2nd floor of the hotel. Screams were said to have been heard and in this video you can see one of the hotel workers investigating the noise and you can also hear the hotel manager in the background. Once he goes into the room, he finds a lot of strange things and we can see a ghostly figure walk out and into the hallway.

Number 2

Ghost Attack In a Malaysian Hotel.

In this very creepy video that was allegedly captured in an Malaysian hotel, we can see a chair moving on it's own and a door slamming shut. The video then cuts to a room where a woman is alone and is sitting on a chair. Behind her we can see another chair that slides out on it's own, and the woman appears to get very nervous. moments later, a chair in front of her moves by itself and the woman jumps up and falls to ground in fear. She then tries to escape the room but once she starts running, the entity moves several objects to the door and blocks her in. She hits her head on the table and seconds later appears to be unconscious.

Number 3

Manchester Poltergeist caught on CCTV.

On the 1st of November, 2012, during the early hours at an office building on Liverpool Road, Manchester. CCTV footage catches what appears to be a poltergeist roaming the building and creating a mess. It is said that this footage is what the security workers witnessed at the time as they were flicking from camera to camera.

Number 4

The whitsable shop ghost.

This video was taken in 2013 in whitsable, England. We can see a customer as he browses the shelves for health products. Behind him we can see a box of teabags that appear to be floating in mid air. Another item falls off the shelf, and the man picks it up unaware of the floating item inches away from him. The shop keeper says she is baffled by the footage, but has not changed her skeptical views on the paranormal although she admits she has no idea how to explain it.

Number 5

Carlisle Castle Hotel ghost.

This video which was taken in 2014 at the Carlisle Castle Hotel in Australia. starts with CCTV footage of what appears to be a ghostly image that seems to be waving at the camera. It then shows a male worker opening a fridge, and at the same moment we can see 2 glass bottles falling out of the shelf behind him. The bottles appear to have been pushed by an unseen entity due to the angle they fall. The video then cuts to the other side of the bar, and we can see a female worker standing still, all of a sudden a glass object seems to move on it's own and smash on the ground.

Thanks for watching, if you'd like to see more videos like this then please subscribe.

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ФК «Карпати» нестандартно презентували нову форму та оголосили титульного спонсора – бренд «Львівське»


Яку небезпеку несе генератор?
	<span style="color: rgb(15, 15, 15); font-family: Roboto, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);">Часто замінниками центрального електропостачання стають генератори, а обігрівачами приміщення - газові прилади. Поряд з тим, такі речі несуть в собі ряд потенційних ризиків. Про них розповів Богдан Левицький, лікар з гігієни праці відділу досліджень фізичних та хімічних факторів ДУ "Івано-Франківський ОЦКПХ МОЗ України".</span></p>


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